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Selectmen Minutes 06/25/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Members present:  Chairman Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, D Michael Paveglio, Town Administrator Nancy Tanner and Jamie A Pike, Administrative Assistant.

Others Present:  Chief Patrick Clarke, EMD John Martell, Warden Steve Stock, Road Agent James Plunkett, Deputy Chief Ed Millette, Building Inspector John Freeman, Library Trustee Lucille Noel,  Douglas Hall, Allen Mayville, Donna Chagnon, Terry McCormack, Philip Hitchcock, Dave Fiorentino, Thomas Houle, Bob Mann, Charlie Moreno, James and April Place, and Betty Thompson.

Chairman Jordan called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

The Board thanked Ms. Tanner for her 4 years of service as Town Administrator and for all the support that she has provided to the Board and the Town.  They wished her continued success in her new position with SAU #6.

Department Heads:

PD – Chief Clarke reported that he had S+W Roofing look at the roof of the safety building to determine leaking areas.  He received a quote in the amount of $475 to seal all roof protrusions, install a water deflector above the A/C unit and to sand, prime and paint the two doors into the PD.  A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to authorize the expenditure of $475 for the noted repairs and to withdraw said funds from the Facilities Capital Reserve Fund. Motion Passes.

FD – Deputy Chief Millette reported that they are now fueling at the State depot.  The vehicles are still having issues with the fuel sending units.

BI – Mr. Freeman reported that 6 permits have been issued since the last meeting, 4 utility permits and 2 accessory building permits, yielding approx. $1,200 in revenue.

HWY – Mr. Plunkett reported that the crew is continuing work on ditching and adding gravel to the dirt roads along with Calcium Chloride to control dust, work is scheduled to be completed by the 4th. The Salt Shed is scheduled to be sealed the week of July 1st, and then crack sealing of paved roads will begin afterwards.  Mr. Paveglio requested that the major intersections be swept due to the impending danger to motorcyclists.

LIB – Ms. Noel reported that the summer reading program will begin on June 28th.  There will be a book sale on July 13th.  The library is hosting a Children’s Photo Op event where children will take two photos while holding an “I of support for the Charrette program.  The HC invited all property owners from Main Street to attend the meeting.

Water Treatment Bids:

There were two bids received, 1) Aqua Specialties in the amount of $4,450 and 2) Epping Well & Pump in the amount of $7,500.  The bids will be forwarded to Nikki Roy for review.  Mr. Place and Ms. Thompson both shared a similar concern that the systems may need to be individualized based on the requirements of the specific home.  Both were reminded that this bidding process was more or less a way of selecting a contractor based on pricing and qualifications.  Each home will still have to be looked at individually to determine the best course of action.

Summer Road Rehabilitation Projects:

Mr. Plunkett reported that he has worked the numbers and can complete  Pleasant Street Section 4 in-house for approximately $93,000.  This allows sufficient funding for the completion of Pleasant Street Section 2 and Kelley’s Corner Road for completion by an outside vendor.  Mr. Houle expressed concern over the Road Agent managing and completing the in-house project.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to award the Kelley’s Corner Road and Pleasant Street Section #2 rehabilitation projects to DBU Construction in the amounts of $126,000 and $137,000 respectively; and to not award the Pleasant Street Section #4 project to any outside vendor.  Motion passes.

Conservation Commission:

Mr. Mann introduced Charlie Moreno as the consulting forester for the timber harvest from the Spaulding Lot.  Mr. Moreno was present to inquire as to the Board’s opinion on the assessment of taxes upon the harvested timber.  Mr. Moreno explained that should the timber be taxed, most loggers will reduce their payout by 10% to compensate for the tax.  Mr. Mann requested that the harvest be tax exempt to insure that the most funds be collected.  Mr. Pike offered an opposing point of view, sharing that if the harvest is taxed, 90% of total collected funds will be deposited into the Forest Management Fund and the 10% tax will be deposited into the General Fund and used to offset property taxes.  After consideration, the Board decided that the harvest shall be subject to taxation and any contracts shall be prepared as such.

Town Administrator Search:

It was decided that the Search Committee shall meet on July 9th at 6pm, and each member bring forward their top 5 candidates at that time.  After a consensus is reached, interviews will be scheduled through the week of July 22nd.

Highway Personnel Budget:

The Board has been considering the hiring of 2 full-time personnel for the highway department and reduce the hours of the current seasonal employee.  After reviewing the budget, a motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to approve the hiring of a second full time employee for the highway department.  Motion passes with Mr. Jordan in dissention.  An offer of employment shall be made to the second candidate chosen at the meeting on June 24th.

Perry Brook Road Guardrail:

Mr. Plunkett brought forward the two quotes he received for installation of guardrail at the Perry Brook Road Culvert, 1) CWSI in the amount of $7,775 and 2) BII in the amount of $7,962.  A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to award the contract to CWSI.  Motion passes.

Carpenter Park:

Mr. DeBold reported to the Board that there is an issue with the well at Carpenter Park.  It is believed that the pump may have to be replaced, it is suspected that it was hit by lightning again.  Tasker Well has already done some recent repairs.  An insurance claim shall be filed for the damage to see if it qualifies.  Mr. DeBold will be getting estimates for the replacement of the pump.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 8:42pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Not Approved until signed.

Jamie A Pike, Administrative Assistant

Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold  D. Michael Paveglio